194 lines
7.6 KiB
194 lines
7.6 KiB
// See LICENSE for license details.
package sifive.freedom.everywhere.e300artydevkit
import Chisel._
import chisel3.core.{attach}
import chisel3.experimental.{withClockAndReset}
import freechips.rocketchip.config._
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{LazyModule}
import sifive.blocks.devices.gpio._
import sifive.blocks.devices.spi._
import sifive.fpgashells.shell.xilinx.artyshell.{ArtyShell}
import sifive.fpgashells.ip.xilinx.{IBUFG, IOBUF, PULLUP, PowerOnResetFPGAOnly}
// E300ArtyDevKitFPGAChip
class E300ArtyDevKitFPGAChip(implicit override val p: Parameters) extends ArtyShell {
// Clock divider
val slow_clock = Wire(Bool())
// Divide clock by 256, used to generate 32.768 kHz clock for AON block
withClockAndReset(clock_8MHz, ~mmcm_locked) {
val clockToggleReg = RegInit(false.B)
val (_, slowTick) = Counter(true.B, 256)
when (slowTick) {clockToggleReg := ~clockToggleReg}
slow_clock := clockToggleReg
// DUT
withClockAndReset(clock_32MHz, ck_rst) {
val dut = Module(new E300ArtyDevKitPlatform)
// SPI flash IOBUFs
IOBUF(qspi_sck, dut.io.pins.qspi.sck)
IOBUF(qspi_cs, dut.io.pins.qspi.cs(0))
IOBUF(qspi_dq(0), dut.io.pins.qspi.dq(0))
IOBUF(qspi_dq(1), dut.io.pins.qspi.dq(1))
IOBUF(qspi_dq(2), dut.io.pins.qspi.dq(2))
IOBUF(qspi_dq(3), dut.io.pins.qspi.dq(3))
dut.io.pins.jtag.TCK.i.ival := IBUFG(IOBUF(jd_2).asClock).asUInt
IOBUF(jd_5, dut.io.pins.jtag.TMS)
IOBUF(jd_4, dut.io.pins.jtag.TDI)
IOBUF(jd_0, dut.io.pins.jtag.TDO)
// mimic putting a pullup on this line (part of reset vote)
SRST_n := IOBUF(jd_6)
// jtag reset
val jtag_power_on_reset = PowerOnResetFPGAOnly(clock_32MHz)
dut.io.jtag_reset := jtag_power_on_reset
// debug reset
dut_ndreset := dut.io.ndreset
// Assignment to package pins
// Pins IO0-IO13
// FTDI UART TX/RX are not connected to ck_io[0,1]
// the way they are on Arduino boards. We copy outgoing
// data to both places, switch 3 (sw[3]) determines whether
// input to UART comes from FTDI chip or gpio_16 (shield pin PD0)
val iobuf_ck0 = Module(new IOBUF())
iobuf_ck0.io.I := dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(16).o.oval
iobuf_ck0.io.T := ~dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(16).o.oe
attach(iobuf_ck0.io.IO, ck_io(0)) // UART0 RX
val iobuf_uart_txd = Module(new IOBUF())
iobuf_uart_txd.io.I := dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(16).o.oval
iobuf_uart_txd.io.T := ~dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(16).o.oe
attach(iobuf_uart_txd.io.IO, uart_txd_in)
// gpio(16) input is shared between FTDI TX pin and the Arduino shield pin using SW[3]
val sw_3_in = IOBUF(sw_3)
dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(16).i.ival := Mux(sw_3_in,
iobuf_ck0.io.O & dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(16).o.ie,
iobuf_uart_txd.io.O & dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(16).o.ie)
IOBUF(uart_rxd_out, dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(17))
// Shield header row 0: PD2-PD7
IOBUF(ck_io(2), dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(18))
IOBUF(ck_io(3), dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(19)) // PWM1(1)
IOBUF(ck_io(4), dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(20)) // PWM1(0)
IOBUF(ck_io(5), dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(21)) // PWM1(2)
IOBUF(ck_io(6), dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(22)) // PWM1(3)
IOBUF(ck_io(7), dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(23))
// Header row 1: PB0-PB5
IOBUF(ck_io(8), dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(0)) // PWM0(0)
IOBUF(ck_io(9), dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(1)) // PWM0(1)
IOBUF(ck_io(10), dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(2)) // SPI CS(0) / PWM0(2)
IOBUF(ck_io(11), dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(3)) // SPI MOSI / PWM0(3)
IOBUF(ck_io(12), dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(4)) // SPI MISO
IOBUF(ck_io(13), dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(5)) // SPI SCK
dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(6).i.ival := 0.U
dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(7).i.ival := 0.U
dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(8).i.ival := 0.U
// Header row 3: A0-A5 (we don't support using them as analog inputs)
// just treat them as regular digital GPIOs
IOBUF(ck_io(15), dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(9)) // A1 = CS(2)
IOBUF(ck_io(16), dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(10)) // A2 = CS(3) / PWM2(0)
IOBUF(ck_io(17), dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(11)) // A3 = PWM2(1)
IOBUF(ck_io(18), dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(12)) // A4 = PWM2(2) / SDA
IOBUF(ck_io(19), dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(13)) // A5 = PWM2(3) / SCL
// Mirror outputs of GPIOs with PWM peripherals to RGB LEDs on Arty
// assign RGB LED0 R,G,B inputs = PWM0(1,2,3) when iof_1 is active
IOBUF(led0_r, dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(1))
IOBUF(led0_g, dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(2))
IOBUF(led0_b, dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(3))
// Note that this is the one which is actually connected on the HiFive/Crazy88
// Board. Same with RGB LED1 R,G,B inputs = PWM1(1,2,3) when iof_1 is active
IOBUF(led1_r, dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(19))
IOBUF(led1_g, dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(21))
IOBUF(led1_b, dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(22))
// and RGB LED2 R,G,B inputs = PWM2(1,2,3) when iof_1 is active
IOBUF(led2_r, dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(11))
IOBUF(led2_g, dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(12))
IOBUF(led2_b, dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(13))
// Only 19 out of 20 shield pins connected to GPIO pins
// Shield pin A5 (pin 14) left unconnected
// The buttons are connected to some extra GPIO pins not connected on the
// HiFive1 board
IOBUF(btn_0, dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(15))
IOBUF(btn_1, dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(30))
IOBUF(btn_2, dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(31))
val iobuf_btn_3 = Module(new IOBUF())
iobuf_btn_3.io.I := ~dut.io.pins.aon.pmu.dwakeup_n.o.oval
iobuf_btn_3.io.T := ~dut.io.pins.aon.pmu.dwakeup_n.o.oe
attach(btn_3, iobuf_btn_3.io.IO)
dut.io.pins.aon.pmu.dwakeup_n.i.ival := ~iobuf_btn_3.io.O & dut.io.pins.aon.pmu.dwakeup_n.o.ie
// UART1 RX/TX pins are assigned to PMOD_D connector pins 0/1
IOBUF(ja_0, dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(25)) // UART1 TX
IOBUF(ja_1, dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(24)) // UART1 RX
// SPI2 pins mapped to 6 pin ICSP connector (standard on later
// arduinos) These are connected to some extra GPIO pins not connected
// on the HiFive1 board
IOBUF(ck_ss, dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(26))
IOBUF(ck_mosi, dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(27))
IOBUF(ck_miso, dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(28))
IOBUF(ck_sck, dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(29))
// Use the LEDs for some more useful debugging things
IOBUF(led_0, ck_rst)
IOBUF(led_1, SRST_n)
IOBUF(led_2, dut.io.pins.aon.pmu.dwakeup_n.i.ival)
IOBUF(led_3, dut.io.pins.gpio.pins(14))
// Unconnected inputs
dut.io.pins.aon.erst_n.i.ival := ~reset_periph
dut.io.pins.aon.lfextclk.i.ival := slow_clock
dut.io.pins.aon.pmu.vddpaden.i.ival := 1.U