// See LICENSE for license details. organization := "com.sifive" name := "freedom" version := "0.1.0" lazy val commonSettings = Seq( scalaVersion := "2.11.12", // This needs to match rocket-chip's scalaVersion scalacOptions ++= Seq( "-deprecation", "-feature", "-unchecked", "-Xfatal-warnings", "-language:reflectiveCalls" ) ) // A RootProject (not well-documented) tells sbt to treat the target directory // as its own root project, reading its build settings. If we instead used the // normal `project in file()` declaration, sbt would ignore all of rocket-chip's // build settings, and therefore not understand that it has its own dependencies // on chisel, etc. lazy val rocketChip = RootProject(file("rocket-chip")) lazy val sifiveBlocks = (project in file("sifive-blocks")). dependsOn(rocketChip). settings(commonSettings: _*) lazy val fpgaShells = (project in file("fpga-shells")). dependsOn(rocketChip, sifiveBlocks). settings(commonSettings: _*) lazy val freedomPlatforms = (project in file(".")). dependsOn(rocketChip, sifiveBlocks, fpgaShells). settings(commonSettings: _*)