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2016-11-29 14:23:11 +01:00
// See LICENSE for license details.
package sifive.freedom.everywhere.e300artydevkit
import Chisel._
import config._
import diplomacy._
import coreplex._
import rocketchip._
import uncore.devices.DebugBusIO
import sifive.blocks.devices.gpio.{GPIOConfig, PeripheryGPIO, PeripheryGPIOBundle, PeripheryGPIOModule, GPIOPin, GPIOPinToIOF, GPIOPinIOFCtrl, GPIOInputPinCtrl, JTAGPinsIO, JTAGGPIOPort}
import sifive.blocks.devices.mockaon.{MockAONConfig, PeripheryMockAON, PeripheryMockAONBundle, PeripheryMockAONModule, MockAONWrapperPadsIO}
import sifive.blocks.devices.pwm.{PWMConfig, PeripheryPWM, PeripheryPWMBundle, PeripheryPWMModule, PWMGPIOPort}
import sifive.blocks.devices.spi.{SPIConfig, PeripherySPI, PeripherySPIBundle, PeripherySPIModule, SPIFlashConfig, PeripherySPIFlash, PeripherySPIFlashBundle, PeripherySPIFlashModule, SPIPinsIO, SPIGPIOPort}
import sifive.blocks.devices.uart.{UARTConfig, PeripheryUART, PeripheryUARTBundle, PeripheryUARTModule, UARTGPIOPort}
import sifive.blocks.util.ResetCatchAndSync
import util._
// Coreplex and Periphery
trait E300ArtyDevKitPeripheryConfigs {
val mockAONConfig = MockAONConfig(address = 0x10000000)
val gpioConfig = GPIOConfig(address = 0x10012000, width = 32)
val pwmConfigs = List(
PWMConfig(address = 0x10015000, cmpWidth = 8),
PWMConfig(address = 0x10025000, cmpWidth = 16),
PWMConfig(address = 0x10035000, cmpWidth = 16))
val spiConfigs = List(
SPIConfig(csWidth = 4, rAddress = 0x10024000, sampleDelay = 3),
SPIConfig(csWidth = 1, rAddress = 0x10034000, sampleDelay = 3))
val spiFlashConfig = SPIFlashConfig(
fAddress = 0x20000000, rAddress = 0x10014000, sampleDelay = 3)
val uartConfigs = List(
UARTConfig(address = 0x10013000),
UARTConfig(address = 0x10023000))
// This custom E300ArtyDevKit coreplex has no port into the L2 and no memory subsystem
class E300ArtyDevKitCoreplex(implicit p: Parameters) extends BareCoreplex
with CoreplexNetwork
with CoreplexRISCVPlatform
with RocketTiles {
override lazy val module = new E300ArtyDevKitCoreplexModule(this, () => new E300ArtyDevKitCoreplexBundle(this))
class E300ArtyDevKitCoreplexBundle[+L <: E300ArtyDevKitCoreplex](_outer: L) extends BareCoreplexBundle(_outer)
with CoreplexNetworkBundle
with CoreplexRISCVPlatformBundle
with RocketTilesBundle
class E300ArtyDevKitCoreplexModule[+L <: E300ArtyDevKitCoreplex, +B <: E300ArtyDevKitCoreplexBundle[L]](_outer: L, _io: () => B)
extends BareCoreplexModule(_outer, _io)
with CoreplexNetworkModule
with CoreplexRISCVPlatformModule
with RocketTilesModule
class E300ArtyDevKitSystem(implicit p: Parameters) extends BaseTop
with E300ArtyDevKitPeripheryConfigs
with PeripheryBootROM
with PeripheryDebug
with PeripheryMockAON
with PeripheryUART
with PeripherySPIFlash
with PeripherySPI
with PeripheryGPIO
with PeripheryPWM
with HardwiredResetVector {
override lazy val module = new E300ArtyDevKitSystemModule(this, () => new E300ArtyDevKitSystemBundle(this))
val coreplex = LazyModule(new E300ArtyDevKitCoreplex)
socBus.node := coreplex.mmio
coreplex.mmioInt := intBus.intnode
class E300ArtyDevKitSystemBundle[+L <: E300ArtyDevKitSystem](_outer: L) extends BaseTopBundle(_outer)
with E300ArtyDevKitPeripheryConfigs
with PeripheryBootROMBundle
with PeripheryDebugBundle
with PeripheryUARTBundle
with PeripherySPIBundle
with PeripheryGPIOBundle
with PeripherySPIFlashBundle
with PeripheryMockAONBundle
with PeripheryPWMBundle
with HardwiredResetVectorBundle
class E300ArtyDevKitSystemModule[+L <: E300ArtyDevKitSystem, +B <: E300ArtyDevKitSystemBundle[L]](_outer: L, _io: () => B)
extends BaseTopModule(_outer, _io)
with E300ArtyDevKitPeripheryConfigs
with PeripheryBootROMModule
with PeripheryDebugModule
with PeripheryUARTModule
with PeripherySPIModule
with PeripheryGPIOModule
with PeripherySPIFlashModule
with PeripheryMockAONModule
with PeripheryPWMModule
with HardwiredResetVectorModule
// Top
class E300ArtyDevKitTopIO(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Bundle with E300ArtyDevKitPeripheryConfigs {
val pads = new Bundle {
val jtag = new JTAGPinsIO
val gpio = Vec(gpioConfig.width, new GPIOPin)
val qspi = new SPIPinsIO(spiFlashConfig)
val aon = new MockAONWrapperPadsIO()
class E300ArtyDevKitTop(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module with E300ArtyDevKitPeripheryConfigs {
val sys = Module(LazyModule(new E300ArtyDevKitSystem).module)
val io = new E300ArtyDevKitTopIO
// This needs to be de-asserted synchronously to the coreClk.
val async_corerst =
sys.reset := ResetCatchAndSync(clock, async_corerst, 20)
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Check for unsupported RCT Connections
// ------------------------------------------------------------
require (p(NExtTopInterrupts) == 0, "No Top-level interrupts supported");
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Build GPIO Pin Mux
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Pin Mux for UART, SPI, PWM
// First convert the System outputs into "IOF" using the respective *GPIOPort
// converters.
val sys_uarts =
val sys_pwms =
val sys_spis =
val uart_pins = { c => Module (new UARTGPIOPort) }
val pwm_pins = { c => Module (new PWMGPIOPort(c.bc)) }
val spi_pins = { c => Module (new SPIGPIOPort(c)) }
(uart_pins zip sys_uarts) map {case (p, r) => <> r}
(pwm_pins zip sys_pwms) map {case (p, r) => <> r}
(spi_pins zip sys_spis) map {case (p, r) => <> r}
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Default Pin connections before attaching pinmux
for (iof_0 <- {
iof_0.o := GPIOPinIOFCtrl()
for (iof_1 <- {
iof_1.o := GPIOPinIOFCtrl()
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// TODO: Make this mapping more programmatic.
val iof_0 =
val iof_1 =
// SPI1 (0 is the dedicated)
GPIOPinToIOF(spi_pins(0).io.pins.cs(0), iof_0(2))
GPIOPinToIOF(spi_pins(0).io.pins.dq(0), iof_0(3))
GPIOPinToIOF(spi_pins(0).io.pins.dq(1), iof_0(4))
GPIOPinToIOF(spi_pins(0).io.pins.sck, iof_0(5))
GPIOPinToIOF(spi_pins(0).io.pins.dq(2), iof_0(6))
GPIOPinToIOF(spi_pins(0).io.pins.dq(3), iof_0(7))
GPIOPinToIOF(spi_pins(0).io.pins.cs(1), iof_0(8))
GPIOPinToIOF(spi_pins(0).io.pins.cs(2), iof_0(9))
GPIOPinToIOF(spi_pins(0).io.pins.cs(3), iof_0(10))
// SPI2
GPIOPinToIOF(spi_pins(1).io.pins.cs(0), iof_0(26))
GPIOPinToIOF(spi_pins(1).io.pins.dq(0), iof_0(27))
GPIOPinToIOF(spi_pins(1).io.pins.dq(1), iof_0(28))
GPIOPinToIOF(spi_pins(1).io.pins.sck, iof_0(29))
GPIOPinToIOF(spi_pins(1).io.pins.dq(2), iof_0(30))
GPIOPinToIOF(spi_pins(1).io.pins.dq(3), iof_0(31))
// UART0
GPIOPinToIOF(uart_pins(0).io.pins.rxd, iof_0(16))
GPIOPinToIOF(uart_pins(0).io.pins.txd, iof_0(17))
// UART1
GPIOPinToIOF(uart_pins(1).io.pins.rxd, iof_0(24))
GPIOPinToIOF(uart_pins(1).io.pins.txd, iof_0(25))
GPIOPinToIOF(pwm_pins(0).io.pins.pwm(0), iof_1(0) )
GPIOPinToIOF(pwm_pins(0).io.pins.pwm(1), iof_1(1) )
GPIOPinToIOF(pwm_pins(0).io.pins.pwm(2), iof_1(2) )
GPIOPinToIOF(pwm_pins(0).io.pins.pwm(3), iof_1(3) )
GPIOPinToIOF(pwm_pins(1).io.pins.pwm(1), iof_1(19))
GPIOPinToIOF(pwm_pins(1).io.pins.pwm(0), iof_1(20))
GPIOPinToIOF(pwm_pins(1).io.pins.pwm(2), iof_1(21))
GPIOPinToIOF(pwm_pins(1).io.pins.pwm(3), iof_1(22))
GPIOPinToIOF(pwm_pins(2).io.pins.pwm(0), iof_1(10))
GPIOPinToIOF(pwm_pins(2).io.pins.pwm(1), iof_1(11))
GPIOPinToIOF(pwm_pins(2).io.pins.pwm(2), iof_1(12))
GPIOPinToIOF(pwm_pins(2).io.pins.pwm(3), iof_1(13))
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Drive actual Pads
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Result of Pin Mux
io.pads.gpio <>
val dedicated_spi_pins = Module (new SPIGPIOPort(spiFlashConfig, syncStages=3, driveStrength=Bool(true)))
dedicated_spi_pins.clock := sys.clock
dedicated_spi_pins.reset := sys.reset
io.pads.qspi <> <>
// JTAG Debug Interface
val jtag_pins = Module (new JTAGGPIOPort(true))
io.pads.jtag <> <>
// Override TRST to reset this logic IFF the core is in reset.
// This will require 3 ticks of TCK before the debug logic
// comes out of reset, but JTAG needs 5 ticks anyway.
// This means that the "real" TRST is never actually used in this design. := ResetCatchAndSync(, async_corerst)
// AON Pads
io.pads.aon <>